Tuesday, September 24, 2013

feeling like it.

There aren't any epiphanies tonight.
But I just feel like blogging.


Teehee. Andy Lau's lyrics.
I LOVE HIM (if you don't already notice).

..especially when he writes songs about friends.
It always feel like it's spot on.


I remember he once said that, before, he doesn't believe in friends, especially those in his field.
Then one day, because of a friend's death, he realised they're important. Ya.
I don't know why I'm saying that here and now but ya.

I think my blog is boring because over the past few years, I haven't changed much.
I don't know if it's because I'm not committed to a full time job.
But does it matter?

I'm not sure if I like who I am now.
But as long as you like who I am now, I hope to stay the same.

Tonight I was asked:
what is it about me that's so lovable
I was asked to answer that question.
..and I don't know the answer.
Is a reason really needed for loving someone?
It suddenly struck me that people ask this because they're doubting themselves.
In that case.. don't doubt yourself!
..because I don't know what made me start loving you, but it's not like I'm going to stop,
and I don't feel like stopping anyway.
..and as long as you keep trusting me,
it's going to be hard for me to stop.

I'd be incapable of leaving you.. regardless of the nature of our love.

..and because it's you, because you gave me that security that it's possible for someone to love someone else that much and not have any passionate feelings for each other, I think that's exactly why I can be so loving.
..because you trust me!
..and I am truly grateful for that x)
Ooh. I guess I did have an epiphany.

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