Saturday, October 24, 2015

Tsai Kang Yong ^ Word

If one day I could, I wish I could write like him. 
These below are translations for certain quotes.
Link to his original Chinese quotes is here

Didn't translate everything. Probably later, probably never. I don't know. 

1. If you want something, then let it go. If it comes back to you, it belongs to you forever; if it doesn't return, then it's not meant to be yours. 

2. Humans cry because it hurts. It hurts because we care. We care because there are feelings, and there are feelings, exactly because we are human. Hence, you have feelings, you care, you've been hurt, your tears fall are proof that you are completely human. When you are sad, forgive yourself; you're only human, there's no need to see yourself as being a rock. 

3. If there really is a day, the person unable to return, has disappeared, the person unable to leave, has left, it's okay. Time will put the most accurate person by your side, and before this happens, what you need to do, is take good care of yourself. 

4. You can be silent, and ignore my worries; you can not reply my message, and disregard my anxiety; you can take my concern for you, and define it as the cause of your frets; you can take my longing, trash it aside and deem it unworthy. You can smile at another person, you can be nice to the whole world, yet forget my endless sorrow. can only do all that because I love you, and that, is the only reason I have become petty. 

5. In life, we would have passed by some people without meeting them. We would have met them without getting to know them. We would have gotten to know them without having time to understand them. We would have understood them, but still we would have to say goodbye. nice to yourself, because it's a short life; be good to the people around you, because you may never meet them again for the rest of your life. 

6. [Life] Born at the age of zero. Grow at the age of 10. Hesitate at the age of 20. Focus at the age of 30. Work hard at the age of 40. Look back at the age of 50. Retire at the age of 60. Play at the age of 70. Get tanned at the age of 80. Lay in bed at the age of 90. Framed on the wall at the age of 100. The nobility of life, the dread of death, when you can hold hands, please do not turn your back against each other, when you can embrace, please do not hold hands, when you can love, do not speak of separation. Life is that short. 

7. When we were young, we hope that we could grow up faster. Yet upon growing up, we realised we have lost our youth; when we are single, we begin to envy the sweetness of a couple. Yet when we are in love, we miss the freedom of being single. .....a lot of things are thought of us beautiful when we do not have it, only upon possession, we begin to understand: [When we have reached what we want, we are also losing something].

16. The person that is afraid of getting hurt will never grasp real happiness; the person that is afraid of hurting others will always get hurt by others, intentionally or unintentionally. 

23. If one day I no longer annoy you, if one day, your life no longer has me, no daily phone calls, daily messages, daily concerns, little daily tantrums. I tell you everything, and you finally know, you're clear of it, you understand, and you are touched, but I have left. Today's stranger is yesterday's love.....

25. If one day, you want to leave me, I won't stop you, I know you have your reasons; if one day, you say that you still love me, I would tell you, I have always been waiting for you; if one day, we cross each other's path, I would stop, ponder at the sight of your back, and tell myself that was the person I once loved. Maybe we can all love countless times in life, and there will always be someone that makes us smile the brightest, cry the hardest, thought the deepest. 

28. I couldn't make it for your past, but I will be here for your future till the end. 

30. If you still wish to continue, never say goodbye; if you can still take it, never give up; if you cannot let go of someone, never ever say that you no longer love him/her. 

34. Silence is her loudest cry. There will always be someone, always residing within the heart, but is gone from life.

43. If honesty hurts, I choose lies. If lies too, hurt, then I choose silence.

49. I can't keep secrets, can't hide my sadness, it's like how I can't hide the happiness of loving you, can't hide the hesitation of leaving you. I am simply that straightforward; if you still want to hurt me, then just do it.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Can't Say It

才離開沒多久就開始 haven't left for long and I have begun 
擔心今天的妳過得好不好 to worry if you're alright
整個畫面是妳 the only thing on my mind is you,
想妳想的睡不著 I'm missing you and I can't sleep

嘴嘟嘟那可愛的模樣 your cute face when you pout 
還有在妳身上香香的味道 and the fragrance of you
我的快樂是妳 my happiness is you
想妳想的都會笑 just thinking about you makes me smile

沒有妳在我有多難熬 without you around I'm having it tough
沒有妳煩我有多煩惱 without you bothering me I get annoyed 
(沒有妳煩我有多煩惱多難熬) without you bothering me I get annoyed and it's tough

穿過雲層 through the clouds
我試著努力向妳奔跑 I try my best to run to you 
愛才送到 I'm finally here 
妳卻已在別人懷抱 but you're already in the embrace of another

就是開不了口 I just can't 
讓她知道 let her know
我一定會呵護著妳 I will definitely protect you
也逗妳笑 and make you laugh
妳對我有多重要 我後悔沒 讓妳知道 you are so important to me - I regret not letting you know
安靜的聽妳撒嬌 that I want to silently hear you being whimsical 
看妳睡著 一直到老 that I want to watch you sleep till the end

就是開不了口 讓她知道 I just can't let her know
就是那麼簡單幾句 我辦不到 those few simple sentences - I can't 
整顆心懸在半空 my heart stranded in space
我只能夠 遠遠看著 I can only watch from afar
這些我都做得到 I can do everything for you 
但那個人已經不是我 but that person is no longer me

Thursday, October 15, 2015


你的淚光 your tears
柔弱中帶傷 a sorrowful gentleness
慘白的月彎彎勾住過往 the pale crescent hooks on to the past
夜太漫長 the night is endless
凝結成了霜 they* have frosted
是誰在閣樓上冰冷的絕望 whose cold despair is it above
雨輕輕彈 the rain lightly taps
朱紅色的窗 on the vermillion window
我一生在紙上 my entire life on paper
被風吹亂 ruffled up by the wind
夢在遠方 dreams are far away 
化成一縷香 they became a mere wisp of incense
隨風飄散你的模樣 your appearance dispersed along with the wind
菊花殘 滿地傷 the flowers have withered, the ground brimmed with hurt
你的笑容已泛黃 your smile is aging
花落人斷腸 as petals drop, the heart, broken
我心事靜靜躺 my hidden thoughts silently lie
北風亂 夜未央 the north wind scattered, the night is young
你的影子剪不斷 your shadow remains
徒留我孤單 leaving me behind, lonely
在湖面成雙 only by the lake can I not be alone
花已向晚 the flowers are meeting their end
飄落了燦爛 falling gracefully
凋謝的世道上命運不堪 withering in this world of extreme fate
愁莫渡江 do not let sorrow cross the river
秋心拆兩半 autumn's heart torn to halves 
怕你上不了岸 the fear that you cannot come ashore
一輩子搖晃 your entire life full of rocks 
誰的江山 whose country is it 
馬蹄聲狂亂 housing hysterical horses
我一身的戎裝 my military uniform
呼嘯滄桑 laments of misfortune
天微微亮 as the sky slowly brightens up
你輕聲的嘆 your light sigh
一夜惆悵如此委婉 signifies the euphemism of the melancholy of the night

Not Cina also you don't pick. =___= 

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

一閃一閃亮晶晶 留下 歲月的痕跡 twinkle twinkle little stars leave traces of the past
我的世界的中心 依然還是你 the central in my world is still you
一年一年又一年 飛逝僅在一轉眼 years and years pass, but it flies to that moment
唯一永遠不改變 是不停地改變 that moment that never changes, yet continuously changes

我不像從前的自己 你也有點不像你 I'm not like who I was, you don't seem like yourself either
但在我眼中你的笑 依然的美麗 but your smile within my sight is still beautiful
日子只能往前走 一個方向順時鐘 days pass and we can only move forward, there's only one direction: clockwise
不知道還有多久 所以要讓你懂 I don't know how much longer it'd take, so I need you to understand

我依然愛你 就是 唯一的退路 I still love you, that's my only retreat
我依然珍惜 時時刻刻的幸福 I still appreciate our times of happiness
你每個呼吸 每個動作 每個表情 every breath you take, every action, every expression...
到最後 一定會 依然愛你 till the end, for sure, I'd still love you

我依然愛你 或許是 命中注定 I still love you, perhaps it's ... destined
多年之後 任何人都無法代替 even after so many years, no one else could replace
那些時光 是我這一輩子最美好的 those times were the best in my entire life
那些回憶 依然無法忘記 those memories that I'm still unable to forget

你每個呼吸 每個動作 每個表情 every breath you take, every action, every expression ~
到永遠 一定會 依然愛你 till forever, for sure, I'd still love you

The previous translation was Jay Chou's song. 
I translated this because this is probably the song sung if the man was a man. 

....if you catch my drift.

Also it's been a while since I Wang Lee Hom'ed. It brings back memories. :) 


親吻你的手 還靠著你的頭 little pecks on your hand. our heads bumping against each other
讓你躺胸口 那個人已不是我 that someone for you to lean on - that person is no longer me
這些平常的舉動 現在叫做難過 these usual actions are the new sorrow
喔~ 難過 it hurts

日子開始過 我沒你照樣過 days start to pass. I didn't move on like you did
不會很難受 我會默默的接受 it doesn't hurt that much because I would silently accept
反正在一起時 你我都有開心過 we had our good times together anyway
就足夠 and that's enough

我的溫暖 你的冷漠 讓愛起霧了 my warmth and your chilly indifference created mist within our love
如果愛心 畫在起霧的窗是模糊 if the hearts we draw upon the window within the mist is blurred..
還是更清楚 or does it make everything clearer?

你算什麼男人 算什麼男人 what kind of man are you 
眼睜睜看 她走卻不聞不問 to just let her leave without saying a word
是有多天真 就別再硬撐 if you are just being naive, then stop bracing yourself
期待你挽回 你卻拱手讓人 the world wants you to go for it, but with your own hands, you gave love away

你算什麼男人 算什麼男人 what kind of man are you
還愛著她 卻不敢叫她再等 to stay in love, but is yet unable to ask her to wait
沒差 你再繼續認份 it wouldn't matter any longer if you continue to do nothing
她會遇到更好的男人 she would meet a better person

Nah. For Alexandrea Hartanto Tan Ming Hui :P 

Monday, October 12, 2015

Soda Dungeon

Say hello to my latest addiction... 
by Armor Games
Basically, you're a nameless coward who can't fight. But there's a dungeon waiting to be explored. But you're nobody. Nobody wanders into a local soda tavern until Somebody hyper was sighted. He was so hyper that he was willing to do dangerous things for you just for soda. So Nobody is a businessman. So Nobody realised a business model.

..and whether or not Somebody thrives. It depends on Nobody. You.

The tavern and the dungeon.
I love how simple it is and its challenge. You hire people to fight for you. You either command their actions or of course, there is always Auto-Combat.
It's somewhat a combination turn based Final Fantasy gameplay and going through stages like in Tap Heroes.
Or maybe there are already games like these but I haven't been playing enough.

As you progress, you'll find spending the gold you find wisely is essential to how fast you progress to the game. Also, if you're serious about completing the game, I do not recommend Auto-Combat. Auto-Combat also takes of the fun of planning your attacks.

Your progress also depends on how you invest in the Tavern.
I particularly like how the developers added an efficient Liquidate feature to the merchant, which allows you to quickly sell away any loot that you carrying more than five of. I love considerate developers.

One of the elements I like in the game is its surprise factor.
What's good is there are times that you can manually choose if you want to be surprised.
Just continue on your path.. and risk being ambushed occasionally.
Some monsters' designs are repetitive, but it's good enough for me.

These.. guarantee plenty of replay value.

Uh, this may be a spoiler. But it's too nice to not be posted.
I stumbled upon this boss through a warp (surprise!). I was concerned if I could beat him. But I did! ..proves that as long as you build your party well and strategize your attacks, it is still possible to win. Plus, victory is sweeter that way.

Soda Dungeon will be on Android starting November 7th this year! Enjoy! :D

Finally, because I'm nice, here are some tips:

1. Invest on your first stool and table as soon as possible. Then, the next best Soda you can afford.
2. Invest on beds (you can refresh your Tavern for as many times as your gold allows you to), and then casks. Remember to ensure that you will have enough gold to hire a party of five AFTER upgrading the casks you have.
3 Always ensure that you have enough gold to hire the strongest character possible.
4. Wean yourself off Soda Junkies as soon as you have better characters....
5. Always ensure that you have a party of five - fill your party up with junkies in the beginning.
6. As you progress, you will have characters with different skills. While I mention that you should hire the strongest characters possible, it is also important to have an arsenal of characters with different skills.
7. Arm your Conjurers with staffs, wands, and items that improve their magic stats.
8. I recommend not getting or using the wizard's services - you get more gold and loot (which also means more gold) if you start from Level 1. Yeah, I'm patient and hardworking like that. Patience is a virtue. Also, by cruising through the dungeon from the beginning, you'd also have fun with fantastic surprises at the fork.
9. Always use the Liquidate function. It's there for a reason.
10. Once you've set up your party nicely and have enough gold for a banker, invest your gold on him so that you're still earning gold even when you're having a life.
11. Always invest on reputation from time to time, especially your Sodas. Also, even if you have a particular Soda, the character your want won't come until you have achieved the sufficient amount of reputation.
12. Invest on the Kitchen when you've explored till about Level 70.
13. When you stumble upon relics... choose wisely. Also, spend all your gold before moving on to the next dimension.

Their main website link is here. More spoilers heh~

I didn't cover everything, but I covered everything I want to cover :P
I prefer that people discover things themselves.
Have fun!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


Mel said she doesn't know what to get me for my birthday. 
So like almost every other year, she asks for a list.
I figured since I want to write these days, I'll do it. 

1. 15th Anniversary 2011 YG Family Concert Live (3DVD+Photobook) - I don't really need to have this. But.. it's something I don't mind having.. ya know what I mean? 

2. More copywriting, translation, writing jobs.. I guess. At least I can keep the income coming in, ya know? Heh. 

3. Deadpool comics. But I'm collecting the one by Gerry Duggan.. so you probably wanna get those single story types. Idk. 

4. This is kinda funny. Everytime I'm in Gamer's Hideout.. when I see Animal Crossing, I be like I wanna buy this for Mel. But she doesn't have a Nintendo 3DS. So I want Mel to get a Nintendo 3DS (and buy any game other than Animal Crossing as her first game.. and post that she got a 3DS on Instagram so that I know that I can finally get her Animal Crossing). 

5. Hahahahaahaa. 

6. I'm brewing this idea of a present I have in my head. I just hope that if I ever make it real, I want the recipient to like it. And not feel uncomfortable or anything with my giving of it. Cuz it contains my desire to ensure that we keep this ship going. 

7. I want to travel. Somewhere. Anywhere. But I don't want to plan. So someone's gotta plan. Then I travel.. with that someone. Nyahahahaa. 

8. I want to have RM15k excess of money within two years so that I can pass it to kW to build his taxi empire. 

9. I want to watch The Files of Young Kindaichi - Lost in Kowloon .. I can't find it anywhere. 

10. Ohhhhh this is easy. I am planning to get Boey's calendar for 2016. But I won't be making trips to Borders anytime soon I think. So yeah. I don't mind someone getting it for me hahaha. 

11. I'm actually planning to get House (all seasons).. for my personal collection. But I'm in no rush. So.. yeah. Also, That 70s Show too. But nenenbao said she will scout the latter for me ^^ 

12. I wanna go Sangkaya! ...and find out what the hype is all about haha. 

13. I want a lightweight iPad. But that's too expensive. But you did ask me what I want. Hahaa. 

14. I want a computer table - like those lightweight ones you can find in iKea, and also a reliable extension to put in my room. So that I can set up my laptop and charge everything that needs to be charged simultaneously in one location. 

15. I want to try the beer ribs in Betty's Midwest Kitchen. Beer ya.. not beef. BEery pork ribs.

16. Oh ya.. I need screen protectors. One for my iPhone, and another for my iPod.. 

There. I'm done. I even exceed expectations. I wrote 16! Haha. 
You might say that some doesn't count because they aren't actually tangible requests.

But really, as of now, these are the things that I want. Plus to be honest, I think it's sweet that somebody would want to get me anything. So whether or not it is gotten for me. It's fine. I know it's hard to get me stuff.. but I can tell you you can never go wrong with giving me a nice notebook along with a little message in it. 

We are friends. So let the gift giving be something natural. Just because I like to get things for people, doesn't necessarily mean that it has to be reciprocated the same way. I get things for people because I know they like it, and they would be happy to have it. Or because I know they need it. Over the years, many things happened, and I have cut down on the habit. I didn't want my habit to make anyone feel uncomfortable and not say it.. and to find out about it much later.. hurts. 


It's enough for me that we meet up. 
It's enough for me that you actually make the effort to keep in touch with me. 

What I truly want, is that if we are friends, we stay together, and are comfortable with each other. What I want from my friends, is for us to spend good time together often. Let me help you when you need it. Support me when I need it too. Let it be mutual. 

