Thursday, October 15, 2015


你的淚光 your tears
柔弱中帶傷 a sorrowful gentleness
慘白的月彎彎勾住過往 the pale crescent hooks on to the past
夜太漫長 the night is endless
凝結成了霜 they* have frosted
是誰在閣樓上冰冷的絕望 whose cold despair is it above
雨輕輕彈 the rain lightly taps
朱紅色的窗 on the vermillion window
我一生在紙上 my entire life on paper
被風吹亂 ruffled up by the wind
夢在遠方 dreams are far away 
化成一縷香 they became a mere wisp of incense
隨風飄散你的模樣 your appearance dispersed along with the wind
菊花殘 滿地傷 the flowers have withered, the ground brimmed with hurt
你的笑容已泛黃 your smile is aging
花落人斷腸 as petals drop, the heart, broken
我心事靜靜躺 my hidden thoughts silently lie
北風亂 夜未央 the north wind scattered, the night is young
你的影子剪不斷 your shadow remains
徒留我孤單 leaving me behind, lonely
在湖面成雙 only by the lake can I not be alone
花已向晚 the flowers are meeting their end
飄落了燦爛 falling gracefully
凋謝的世道上命運不堪 withering in this world of extreme fate
愁莫渡江 do not let sorrow cross the river
秋心拆兩半 autumn's heart torn to halves 
怕你上不了岸 the fear that you cannot come ashore
一輩子搖晃 your entire life full of rocks 
誰的江山 whose country is it 
馬蹄聲狂亂 housing hysterical horses
我一身的戎裝 my military uniform
呼嘯滄桑 laments of misfortune
天微微亮 as the sky slowly brightens up
你輕聲的嘆 your light sigh
一夜惆悵如此委婉 signifies the euphemism of the melancholy of the night

Not Cina also you don't pick. =___= 

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