Tuesday, October 6, 2015


I recently bought Triumph in the Skies series. 
There was a promotion, and I know if I don't get it now, it will forever be unavailable once it's out of stock. 

Listened to the theme song again along with the opening music video.

Then I remember liking the song. 
The first reason is one I don't want to make public, and the second,
because the lyrics felt like a man sincerely confessing his love for the one that he can no longer be with anymore. It's sad, and hopeful. 

So I feel the extreme need to translate it... again. Maybe in another perspective. 

愛上了 看見你 如何不懂謙卑
去講心中理想 不會俗氣
猶如看得見晨曦 才能歡天喜地
He fell in love with how she could speak of her dreams ambitiously. It was as though happiness could exist only with the sight of dawn. 

抱著你 我每次 回來多少驚喜
也許一生太短 陪著你
情感有若行李 仍然沉重待我整理
"I get pleasant surprises every single time I hold you when I'm back.. perhaps life is too short, and to be with you ...." To him, his feelings were like luggage, still waiting to be organized. 

天氣不似預期 但要走 總要飛
道別不可再等你 不管有沒有機
給我體貼入微 但你手 如明日便要遠離
願你可以 留下共我曾愉快的憶記
當世事再沒完美 可遠在歲月如歌中找你
"The weather isn't as forecasted.. but I have to go, I need to fly,"
Whether or not there's a chance, he can no longer wait for a farewell. 
"Give me your understanding - but your hand ..... if you need to leave tomorrow,
I hope you can let the happy memories you've had with me remain..
so that when everything is no longer perfect,
I can search for you in the far away songs of our years," 

再見了 背向你 回頭多少傷悲
也許不必再講 所有道理
何時放鬆我自己 才能花天酒地
"Goodbye," his back towards her. How much sorrow would turning around cause? 
Perhaps there's not need to speak of any more logic..
"When can I relax myself - and finally have some fun?" 

抱著你 我說過 如何一起高飛
這天只想帶走 還是你
Holding her, he explained how they could fly up high together..
Up until today, the one he wants to take away is still her.

如重溫往日郵寄 但會否疲倦了嬉戲
If past letters were reminisced, would it wear the act down? 

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